Saturday, August 2, 2008

PRELUDE: Character Development

Shards of pale moonlight cut their way through the intricacies of the night sky, emulated by a myriad of shadows as they wove their way into and amongst those below. This eternal dance of mimicry, of balance, of struggle, could be seen no clearer than on the face of Eliás Althusius. His right side emanated an aura of purity, enhanced further by the caress of pale moonlight which cut into the surrounding darkness with such hatred. His left side, however, was immersed in the infinite blackness. His chiselled features seemed not to be highlighted by light but by shadow. It was as if the shadow devoured all light that it came in contact with. His eyes, of the palest orange burned equally deep into both the shadow and the light. In these eyes was reflected a fervour so deep that even the most religious man would be humbled. These were the eyes that saw all.

His expression, passive as he stared vacantly into the night, showed no hint to the struggle that raged into the depths his very soul. Here stood a man torn by duty and desire. He was a man of justice. In his early 20’s he had already risen to the rank of Chief of Police in his home town of Lichtschadten. Since his return he seemed to only have done good for the town, but most remained wary of his presence, for his pursuit of justice was often lead by a more sinister means. Little was known about his past. He had lived in Lichtschadten up to the age of 8 but disappeared after the unexplained murders of his parents and sister, for which most believed him responsible, only to re-emerge out of the shadows ten years later. After his return it was not only his position that worried the townsfolk but his ability, which most believed supernatural, to avoid detection, to somehow become one with the darkness itself.

While acting as Chief of Police, Eliás often kept to himself, locked in his office from dawn ‘till dusk; obsessing; observing. His office consisted of a small room devoid of any furniture save a small desk located in the southeast corner, and even this was mainly for show. Around the desk the southern and eastern walls were covered with a haphazard assortment of paper, notes, post-its and photos; of crimes past, of crimes present and of crimes yet to come. No one man could keep track of all these crimes. Yet one did; Obsessing.

The lighting fixture had been broken for some time, the shattered bulb hung obsolete, as a monument to the unnatural light it had emitted. The only source of light now came from a thin slit window on the western wall that overlooked the entire town. It was here that the silhouette of Eliás could often be seen; Observing.

Due to his secluded lifestyle most of the work associated with his rank was left to his acting officer Jeremias Brahm who’s primary focus was to keep Eliás’, abnormalities in check and cover up what methods would be seen as un-justice. It will be said that Jeremias is the closest thing Eliás has to a friend.

This is in no way is the end, it is only the beginning...

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